Singular Thought
and the Cartesian Theory of Mind
Kirk Ludwig
In this paper, I defend some elements of a traditional picture of the fundamental nature of representational states, which I call the ‘Cartesian Theory of Mind’. The theory consists of the following five propositions:
(1) Content properties are non-relational, that is, having a content property does not entail the existence of any contingent object not identical to the thinker or a part of the thinker.
(2) We have non-inferential knowledge of our conscious thoughts, that is, for any conscious thought of the form ‘T(p)’ where ‘T’ represents its mode and ‘p’ its content, we have non-inferential knowledge that we have a thought in that mode with that content.
(3) The content of a thought determines its truth conditions.
(4) We (can) refer and know that we (can) refer to contingent particulars.
(5) Content properties are causally relevant to our behavior, non-intentionally and non-relationally described.
I think all of these propositions
strike us as plausible when we first begin to think about the nature of thought
and content properties. But
difficulties arise when we conjoin these propositions with a number of others
that also seem very plausible. In the
following, I first develop three problems for the Cartesian view by adding to
(1)-(5) a number of plausible semantic, epistemic, and metaphysical theses (in
particular, the now widely accepted thesis that proper names, indexicals, and
demonstratives are directly referring terms), from which together with (3) we
can derive the negations of (1), (2) and (5).
Among the consequences of these theses will be that there are singular
thoughts, i.e., thoughts whose contents cannot be characterized completely
independently of reference to some particular object. Independently of the above difficulties, admitting singular
thoughts raises a difficulty about how (2) could be true, because it is
puzzling what knowledge, particularly non-inferential knowledge, of the content
of a thought which involves a particular object could come to. I argue, however, that we cannot avoid
commitment to singular thought, given (4), and another extremely plausible
epistemic thesis, but sketch a conservative account of singular thought that
allows us to retain (1)-(5), and show how to resolve (almost) the three
contradictions we obtain by conjoining (1)-(5) with our other assumptions with
a minimal alteration to our inconsistent set of propositions. The resulting picture, I argue, is not only
consistent with the semantic and epistemic theses which seem to undermine it,
but can be deployed usefully in defense of them. In addition, I defuse the sense of mystery surrounding knowledge
of singular thought and show how this helps as well to shed light on some
puzzles about self-locating thoughts.